• Ladies Who Lunch
    Plexi frame mixed media
    12”x 18”

  • Hermes Scarf and Tiffany Box
    Oil on canvas
    3' x 4''

  • Small, Still Boy
    18'' x 24''

  • Freya's Mauds
    Oil on canvas
    4' x 5”

  • IF
    Mixed media collage
    48” x 38”

    Mixed media on paper
    41.5 “x 37.5“


Elaine Forrest was born in New York. After living many years in California she has returned to NYC where she now works and lives. She earned a BFA from Boston University and a degree in Medical Illustration from Harvard Medical School. Her work has been included in exhibitions such as the 9/11 Memorial Museum, Freyberger Gallery (Penn State University), Noho Gallery. While residing in California she was a member of the Art Rental Gallery of the Los Angeles Museum of Art. Currently she is a member of Noho M55 Gallery in Chelsea and the New York Artists Circle.


The foundation of my art is based on Realism. I use color and composition to express an emotional quirkiness and humor.
Initially my art as a Medical Illustrator was concerned with pure rendering.  Today, exploring the meaning of my own interpretation of reality, I deal more in the metaphor of images.
I have always been interested in logos and labels and the associations attached to them.  While living in California I have rendered many “portraits”. This included portraits of individuals and vert often included “portraits of consumption”. As a figurative artist, my interest lies in the commonplace and instills beauty and nobility in the often overlooked world of commercial products. Whether it is donuts, shoes, shopping bags or bow ties there is a whimsical sense of animation and life to the objects. 

Email: elaineforrest100@gmail.com

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